Sunday, November 20, 2011


Betsy is our gentle girl. She can be rough and tough while playing with the sibes.

When the little girls are involved, Betsy is ever so gentle and easy as she plays.

She loves to play tug of war with Lily and Phoebe.

Of course we monitor their play sessions carefully.

I would like to tell the person who dumped Betsy beside the road what a good girl she has become.  She is loved and has a good home.


  1. Betsey does have a good home. :) Mom wonders sometimes at the paths dogs have to take to come home...


  2. She looks so happy and at home. One of my dogs was abandoned and mistreated before we got him. I, too, would love to tell whoever left him and hurt him what a good boy he is (along with a few other things about responsible pet ownership and the humane treatment of animals... :). It's sad the roads they sometimes travel, but when they find their home, it is so sweet for everyone.
