Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Motel Christmas Lights

On our walk tonight we found the goat motel fully decorated for the holidays.

Tonight all the lights are lit, sometime the patrons like to pull off some of the lights.

Obviously the goats must be in their rooms.   :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Please Play With Me

Phoebe never tires of chasing balls.

Please mom throw the ball again!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Reflections of Past Holidays and Turbo

Mom was thinking of holidays past, granddaughters, and granddogs. This is Turbo and he is mom's granddog, so I guess that makes us his aunties. Turbo lives in Alabama and he is an AUBURN fan. (Go Tigers/War Eagles!)

Turbo is kind and patient considering he went from being the baby to sharing his home with two precious little girls.

Turbo's dad took him to be groomed one day and he came home looking like a lion.
Turbo was the talk of the neighborhood!

Turbo always wanted in the pool so this made towel drying a breeze!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sam and Monty

Hi Sam and Monty!  This is Myshka and Nina here.

We have been thinking about your goat Whiskey and wanted to show you who lives around the corner from us. 

We don't know his name but he has a lot of family.

They even have their own motel!

I am not sure if we would be welcome but their motel is close by if we need it!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Guardian

Nina, please play with us.
She is too busy working.
Nina is our guardian, always working, always herding and defending her little pack. She has strong protective instincts and can be very territorial with outsiders.

Thank you Nina for all of your hard work.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Mom feels calm and peace in the morning when she looks out of her window. 

(Wadmalaw River in the Intracoastal Waterway)

Starting a busy day with inner calm is contagious.

We feel calm and are at peace too.
Nina is patient and calm with those in her care.

Monday, November 21, 2011

What Happened to Sunday?

Sasha, where is Sunday?

We can't find Sunday.

Monday is here already!
Have a good Monday!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Betsy is our gentle girl. She can be rough and tough while playing with the sibes.

When the little girls are involved, Betsy is ever so gentle and easy as she plays.

She loves to play tug of war with Lily and Phoebe.

Of course we monitor their play sessions carefully.

I would like to tell the person who dumped Betsy beside the road what a good girl she has become.  She is loved and has a good home.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Seat Belt Harness

I don't like this seat belt harness!

Not much has changed Myshka because you did not like it as a pup either.

Mom thinks they are absolutely wonderful.  Everyone is safe and stays on their own seat.  

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011


We love the beautiful fall colors, especially the reds.

We enjoy seeing the sunlight filtering through Spanish-moss.

We don't enjoy the alligators that sneak into the area ponds.

We especially don't like them when we like to play around the water.

The alligator above is just a lawn ornament, but we do have many alligators along coastal waters and ponds.  Our friend Buddy dog was in his front yard walking by his pond when a twelve foot alligator pulled him under. There was not supposed to be an alligator in this pond.  Alligators will travel from pond to pond, especially during mating season.  Buddy got away from the alligator and was taken to the vet.  He was sutured back together and died from the infection three days later.  Our mom and dad are very frightened of  ponds.

We miss you Buddy.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dad's Birthday

Today is Dad's birthday!

Happy Birthday Dad! You never tire of taking us on daily outings.

Happy Birthday Dad! You love watching over us as we play.

Happy Birthday Dad! You always top my food with a spoonful of yogurt.

Happy Birthday to our Dad who we adore. You are the Best !

Friday, November 11, 2011

Hooray for Friday!

Wake Up! Wake Up Nina!  

Friday is finally here!

Get out of bed and let us start the weekend now!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wrestle Like a Girl

One of us is very persistent and her name is Sasha.

Okay, that did it!